BDDW. Hands Down, Favorite Furniture.

I am a huge fan of interior design and love to stage apartments in my real estate life. When I think about my dream home, I visualize it with a collection of BDDW furniture. Their handmade pieces are each a work of art and I admire the creator and designer, Tyler Hayes. He built a small empire of design, starting with woodwork and moving on to art, sculpture, and archery! The style is very sleek and unique with handmade touches that add value to each piece. 

The first time I heard of BBDW was when I was invited to their archery competition and Weenie Roast in 2014. My friend, who’s an incredible woodworker, invited me to join him at BDDW’s annual archery competition and the practice took place in the Soho showroom. It was filled with eclectic and creative individuals with their own unique style and haystacks were filled with handmade bows and arrows and placed in front of the targets. Upon entering, I grabbed a plate and loaded it with the selection of locally sourced charcuterie and cheese and locally brewed beer and wine, while I made my way around the gallery. It’s the most beautiful furniture store I’ve set foot in and it’s worth going to just for a peek. 

After becoming very interested in BDDW, I knew the Weenie Roast in the Hudson Valley was going to be worth the day-trip. Oh and it was! It’s hard to sum up, but imagine a huge mansion sitting on acres of land in Upstate New York, when the leaves are peaking their color change in Autumn. Then add a huge barn filled with art, furniture, vintage motorcycles, a handmade ping pong table, and couches overlooking the land. There was a large open fire outside with endless potatoes being sliced into fries and tossed into a handmade fryer several feet long, weenies were in abundance, and to top it off, there was a king-sized table topped with vegetables and cheese to feast from. Archers were competing, I was eating, while others were aiming their arrows at the $22,000 credenza in the field that the winner would take home. I love BDDW. Enough said.